Also featuring photos from our monthly supplement...

Patterson Road Farmhouse

Thanks to the Community

I would like to thank the residents of Oakwood for their generous contributions and donations to the Miami Valley Literacy Council in support of my Eagle Scout Project. We canvassed over 2000 houses, and with the help of our community, were able to put together 110 “Back-to-school” kits.  In addition to the kits, over 600 pencils, 100 notebooks, and many other supplies were donated to the Miami Valley Literacy Council.

I would especially like to thank the Oakwood Register, Dorothy Lane Market, and WalMart for their generous donations of collection bags.  Finally, I would like to thank all the volunteers who donated their time and energy to make this project a success.  

Each year in the Miami Valley over 190,000 individuals struggle at the lowest literacy levels, impacting their lives at home, school, and the workplace. The Miami Valley Literacy Council works each year with hundreds of these adults, teens and children to build their education and literacy skills in order to improve their quality of life.  They are always looking for volunteers to assist in their numerous education programs all over the Miami Valley.  If anyone is interested in donating their time, they can contact the Literacy Council at (937) 223-4922 for more information.

Again, thank you Oakwood for all of your support.

Matt Davis
Troop 320


Re: Economic stimulus payments

Congress has passed and President Bush has signed the 2008 Economic Stimulus Tax Legislation. Attached is a current IRS release that provides a Q & A regarding the Economic Stimulus payment.   If you have at least $ 3,000 and not more than $150,000 ( w/ 5 percent phase out above $150k) of  “qualifying income”  (not all income is taxable), then most likely you will receive a Stimulus Check.

The release states the rebates are not taxable; nor do they reduce or increase your 2008 Federal income Tax Return ! The payment received in 2008 will not reduce the taxpayer’s 2008 refund or increase the amount owed in 2008. Taxpayers who have not filed in the past due to income limits MUST file to obtain the rebate. i.e., recipients of Social Security, Railroad Retirement, and veterans’ benefits. A “special” 1040A can be used for these taxpayers. A link to the special 1040A is mention in the release.

Taxpayers who elected the “direct deposit” option on their 2007 returns, their payment will be credited to their checking/savings account; otherwise a check will be mailed sometime starting in May.  One unanswered question remains. One of the
Q & A mentions that taxpayers should retain the paper notice they receive with their rebate. If a taxpayer fails to qualify for the rebate based on the 2007 return, but their tax situation will be different in 2008, a special benefit may apply. According to the question, the answer is “possibly.” “The 2008 tax instructions will include a worksheet to help those who did not qualify for a payment or those who received a reduced amount determine if they can obtain a benefit when they file their 2008 tax returns next year.”

If I receive additional information, I will contact you.  Please share this information with as many friends, coworkers and family members. Many will be affected by this legislation, even though they do not file a tax return !

James R Kelly CPA
Accounting and Tax Office
10777 Yankee Street
Dayton, OH   45458
(937) 885-5838


We live on earth – not in heaven

For months I have been amused that Barack Obama could get so much political mileage simply by advocating change. Was it, I wondered, change for the better that he was advocating or change for the worse? Obama hadn’t said.

Then someone explained to me that to members of the looney left, ANY change would be change for the better. I assumed that this was a joke, until I read Glen Cebulash’s letter to the editor. We’ve hit bottom, Mr. Cebulash explained: “Any vote for a change of course, no matter how ill-conceived in purpose, will help towards climbing up and out.”

It is true that things could be better, but this is always the case: we live on earth, not in heaven. But the claim that things could not get worse is simply preposterous.
It is easy to imagine, after all, ways in which things could be much worse than they are. Terrorist bombings in U.S. cities could be a monthly event. Afghanistan could be in the hands of the Taliban. National unemployment could be 7 percent. The out-of-wedlock pregnancy rate could be 50 percent. Gasoline could be $4 a gallon. And so on.

It might therefore make sense for the fans of Obama to look behind his Hope-and-Change theme to see what substance, if any, lurks there. Elect the wrong person president, and the change we experience could easily be change for the worse.

Phyllis Teane



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March 11, 2008
Volume 17, No. 11

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